Elementary Program
The Elementary program is for children ages 6 till 12. Dr. Maria Montessori believed that children learn from one another, and younger children look up to and follow older children. This is the same in society, where communities and organizations have people of different age groups working and socializing together. This principle is also mirrored in the elementary, where classes are conducted in mixed-age groupings of six- to nine-year olds, or the LOWER ELEMENTARY, and nine- to 12-year olds, the UPPER ELEMENTARY. In the MIS, the mixed-level classes are further split into three categories: Lower Elementary, covering Grades 1 and 2; Middle Elementary for Grades 3 and 4; and finally Upper Elementary, for Grades 5 and 6.
In the elementary level, independent schoolwork is encouraged to instill self-reliance and responsibility in the child. Lessons follow the Montessori elementary curriculum and cover a broad scope. A healthy balance of academic and non-academic activities encourages learners to actively explore the environment outside of the classroom, a method that is central to Montessori elementary education.