Bhay Maitland Newberry, a ninth grader at MIS, recently became the only gold medalist of the Philippine team when she won gold in the 100-meter backstroke event at the 40th SEA Age Group Swimming Championships held in Bangkok, Thailand last Dec 9-11. Bhay also won silver at the 200-meter back stroke event and another silver at the 50-meter backstroke event. She capped her winning performance with a bronze at the 50-meter freestyle event.


In the run-up to the SEA age group swim meet, Bhay garnered two gold medals at the Batang Pinoy Nationals, held this year in Davao Del Norte, with blistering performances in the 200-meter backstroke and 50-meter freestyle events. She also garnered 3 silver medals in the 50-meter backstroke, 100-meter backstroke and 100-meter freestyle events.

Bhay is the current Philippine Junior Record holder for 13 years old and under in three events: 200-meter backstroke, 100-meter backstroke and 100-meter freestyle. She is the only daughter of Neil and Lucia Newberry.
Congratulations, Bhay!