General Parent Assemblies (GPAs) were held last June 14th and 21st for parents of all departments. The GPAs began with a prayer, after which School President Sylvia G. Lazo welcomed all parents and spoke about instilling the value of punctuality in children. School Directress Monica Moreno then introduced the roster of faculty. The introductions were followed by school program orientations, which covered subjects, clubs, student activities, computations of grades, and the school calendar. The Elementary orientation focused on the Montessori principle of mixed-level grouping as a microcosm of society. New items for the year that were presented included PARENTLINE as the official text messaging service for school announcements and the exciting new format of the MIS Cup for elementary and high school. The GPAs ended with class meetings, during which teachers met with their respective class parents and discussed other matters. Overall, all assemblies were very positive and set the right tone for a good home-school partnership for the school year.